basic to intermediate learning

Ok, i am looking for a great book that literally holds my hand and shows me how to program for the arduino. Most of you have seen my post on int and how i know nothing of programing and had to have it explained in detail what wass going on. i really really really really appreciate that!!!

now im wanting to move forward but need a book or something that will teach me programing but as delta G put it, if you cant write a program in english where anyone can understand it, then you need to learn to write code... i think thats the quote. anyway. i need something like that


I have enjoyed:



thanks for moving the thread to its appropriate place

I'm a big fan of "Beginning C for Arduino." By Jack Purdham, who contributes here from time to time.

The book is focused on teaching C using an Arduino, rather then using C to teach programming an Arduino. Compared to many other programming books, it's a great example of how less can be more. The lessons progress quickly from first principles (what is an int), through to advanced pointer manipulation, in so few pages you can easily read every one - And maintain a social life. The example projects demonstrate fundamental software concepts and key learning points, can all be compiled and run on a naked Arduino board, without the distraction of flashing LEDs and beeping buzzers.

The Arduino Cookbook is another good read but a little disjointed to be an effective learning text, in my opinion. More useful as Arduino lookup material to refer to, after reading Jack's book.

awesome thanks. i went to the library today and grabbed a couple of c++ books but i can see that the other two listed are the better choices. on me way back. thanks for the list of reads. i will be learning as fast as i can.