BatchPCB doesn't want to answer my questions :(

So I'll ask here. The first board design I sent in to them was perfectly rectangular, and, as expected, I got a rectangle board in return. A newer design I want to send in has that arduino style "lip" at one end... Will they keep this or just send me a rectangular board again?

My new design also has 2 curved corners. Does anyone know if they can "process" this as well?

it says:

Board is routed to the indicated border (very clean edges, you can get creative with the shape as well!)

So that's a yes then?

I just got another board from them, but received it in rectangular form... none of the "custom" edges that I had are there.... so yeah... Is it something I'm doing wrong in Eagle? I just use lines on the "Dimension" Layer, isn't this the usual way to do it?

I dunno; I've never actually used them, so I'm just quoting FAQs. If you're sending actual EAGLE .brd files, I would expect lines in the dimension layer to be sufficient. If you're exporting gerbers, I don't think that the usual set of gerbers that the CAM processor generates includes anything that contains the board outline, and they'd have to guess based on min and max dimensions of the other layers. There are probably more details in some forum message; back when I was reading the forum I found them pretty informative. However, BatchPCB has always been pretty clear on the concept of "we're a no-frills PCB shop, so we're not going to be able to offer the level of support and hand-holding that you'd get if you were paying $100 for your prototypes..."

I've just uploaded some designs on their website.

As you can choose which of the gerber layers should be interpreted as "outline", they should at least know what you want. The DRC bot seems to be quite slow, or maybe Sunday is its day off.

Well I just added my outline to my top silk layer and drill layer. Would this be sufficient for them to know where to cut?

try mechanical layer .GM1

For later reference, I was just told my an employee of BatchPCB that your border should be on your top silk layer for them to cut it out properly...