Hello from someone fairly new to both Arduino and LABView!
For a school project, we must come up with ideas that fix a real world problem using LABView and any physical aspects (wiring, Arduino, anything related to the problem). Our group came up with an attachment for a charger (most likely USB, like iPhone/Android) that stops charging once the thing being charged has reached 100%. My question is if such an attachment can even be done. It's worth noting that we are ignoring factors like how many phones nowadays automatically stop charging at 100%.
My idea originally was to have a USB breakout attached to a breadboard that (after going through a voltage divider, if needed) gives the Arduino the voltage reading. The breadboard would also have a male USB on the other end to that the device can be plugged into a charging block. This is a rough concept, but could something like that theoretically work? Or is there an easier/better way to get a battery indication of something while it's being charged?
Thanks in advance!