Battery charge monitor w/ LABView feasibility?

Hello from someone fairly new to both Arduino and LABView!

For a school project, we must come up with ideas that fix a real world problem using LABView and any physical aspects (wiring, Arduino, anything related to the problem). Our group came up with an attachment for a charger (most likely USB, like iPhone/Android) that stops charging once the thing being charged has reached 100%. My question is if such an attachment can even be done. It's worth noting that we are ignoring factors like how many phones nowadays automatically stop charging at 100%.

My idea originally was to have a USB breakout attached to a breadboard that (after going through a voltage divider, if needed) gives the Arduino the voltage reading. The breadboard would also have a male USB on the other end to that the device can be plugged into a charging block. This is a rough concept, but could something like that theoretically work? Or is there an easier/better way to get a battery indication of something while it's being charged?

Thanks in advance!

The USB voltage is 5V and your phone's lithium ion battery is 4.2V at peak. In other words there's a voltage conversion going on inside the phone and you're not going to be able to see the voltage of that battery (without adding wires that reach into the phone's battery directly).

What you would need to do is detect the charge status by reading the current consumption of the phone. There aren't any simple options for reading current in the ~0-1A range with the precision you need though.