Battery Charging

Dear All,

I am building a system with arduino pro mini and I will going to use rechargeable batteries. I need to detect battery condition( full, half or empty) and also make circuit to recharge the batteries. How can I do that?

Thanks for replies.
Best Regards.

The proper way to charge the battery depends on the type of battery and source of recharge power. We know neither of these.


Dear All,

I am building a system with arduino pro mini and I will going to use rechargeable batteries. I need to detect battery condition( full, half or empty) and also make circuit to recharge the batteries. How can I do that?

Thanks for replies.
Best Regards.

Is you first question this ? ...
How can the Arduino determine the State-Of-Charge of a battery,
while that same battery is also powering the Arduino?

Or this ? ...
How can the Arduino determine the State-Of-Charge of a battery,
while the Arduino has its own DC Power Source?

Depends on the battery - there are "fuel guage" chips that can monitor the current flow and give a reading that you can interpret to determine end of life. carries several on breakout boards.

I will going to use NiMH batteries and I will also supply arduino from same battery.
My plan is, I will supply arduino from same battery and if it has less power it will turn a LED and I will going to connect DC power supply on it to recharge battery.

How can I do that? What kinds of IC should I use?

The Arduino can also do "fuel gauging" itself if you measure the battery voltage and current. Accuracy is more limited than with a special chip but it works for me with 5 NiMH cells powering a standalone ATmega 328.
It is necessary to do fuel gauging because the charge of NiMH batteries can not easily be derived from battery voltage.
You will also need temperature readings while charging the batteries to determine when they are full. There is no really reliable other method IMHO.
Keep asking for details if needed :slight_smile:

I will going to use NiMH batteries and I will also supply arduino from same battery.
My plan is, I will supply arduino from same battery and if it has less power it will turn a LED and I will going to connect DC power supply on it to recharge battery.

How can I do that? What kinds of IC should I use?

Have you done any research regarding:
a) The proper Discharge procedure for NiMh Batteries ?
b) The proper Recharge procedure for NiMh Batteries ?
c) NiMh Battery "Fuel Gauge" chips

There are already 305 threads just on this Arduino Forum that discuss: "Arduino + NiMh"
Did any of those threads give you any useful ideas?