I want to control mty BBQ temperature using ESP32 and MAX6675 type k thermocouple sensors and few NTD temperature probes.
I want to extend my battery life for the duration of the cooking , up to 10 hours, by cutting power to the sensors. I want to wake-up them every 2 seconds and shutting them the rest of the time.
I read that I could use a mosfet, but I dont get how to install them using a 3.3v from the dc converter.
For shure I will use the sleep mode for the ESP whenever it is possible. I do plan to have up to 5 temperature probes, some LED, WiFI and/or Bluetooth. I want to operate from a single 18650 battery for an extended period.
Keep in mind that you cannot connect output pins on a powered up MCU to an unpowered sensor module, otherwise both can be damaged. At the very least you can expect malfunctions.
That is why most sensors offer sleep modes as well.
Have you built your project for a proof of concept and measured the current being consumed?
Just a project without any sensor supply disconnection circuitry.
True in general, but for I2C you can use an extended level shifter to allow power down. I have been using the circuit in section 2.3.5 for years with no problem.
Probably not much help for he OP since they are not using I2C.