Baud Rate- Arduino Environment


I have one question about Arduino Due and I am really confused. So I have an Arduino Due and I use it as my main micro-controller in a monitor health care system. In my disposal, I have the DS18B20 sensor about measure the temperature and I have also MAX30102 sensor about the oxygen saturation. The proposed baud rate about DS18B20 is 9600 and the proposed baud rate about MAX30102 is 115200. ΅
Which baud rate should I choose and why??

The temperature sensor doesn't use the UART, so the line speed is immaterial.
The oximeter looks to me like it uses I2C, so no problem there either

Please ask a mod to move this topic to a more appropriate forum section

What is a "proposed baudrate"? Never heard of it. If you're referring to examples for Arduino code, there is nothing proposed; it's just an example and you're free to select what you want.

A consideration could be how much data you have to send per second. At 9600, you can send roughly 1000 bytes / second, at 115200 10 times as much; do your calculations.

Note that if you use native USB, the baudrate is irrelevant.

Your topic has nothing to do with Installation and Troubleshooting and therefore has been moved to a more suitable location on the forum.

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