bbcode in signature..


I edited my profile, and now my signature no longer show the useful links I had in there. Result I had to delete my signature because it became useless.

It says to the left of the signature box "bbcode and html is not allowed blablabla", what's wrong with bbcode in signature? At least it should be allowed for regular members.


This has been discussed about a year ago, when it was put in effect.
The length of the message was also reduced at that time if i'm not mistaking.
It was a measure against excessive signatures, containing suspicious links, huge pictures and even some combinations of that.


This has been discussed about a year ago, when it was put in effect.
The length of the message was also reduced at that time if i'm not mistaking.
It was a measure against excessive signatures, containing suspicious links, huge pictures and even some combinations of that.

And the discussion, at the time, indicated that it was a temporary measure, until a more permanent solution could be implemented. I must say that the Arduino team does not seem to take this forum all that seriously.

I must say that the Arduino team does not seem to take this forum all that seriously.

I am surprised by your reserve. Even I would state the position a lot more strongly than that.

How about "don't care a toss about ..."


Well, i'm a Dutchman.
We have been paying a 'temporary' tax of about 11 eurocents over fuel for the last 25 years, called "het kwartje van Kok".
Politicians are straight out liars, the forum Admins over here can still learn a lot from them and waiting for a single year is peanuts.
So calling something temporary is an Universal truth.
Everything ends at some time.

Well I am in the UK and income tax is a temporary measure to pay for the war against Napoleon. We are still paying it.

Is Napoleon the Chief Executive of the NHS ?


Well I am in the UK and income tax is a temporary measure to pay for the war against Napoleon. We are still paying it.

It was an expensive war......
