bearing name?

A little off topic.
Im trying to find a type of bearing that I thought was called a plate bearing but cant find any online.
Maybe Ive got the name wrong. No mention on wikipedia.

I want to beef up a servo by attaching a bearing on the opposite side of the servo from the horn.
Ive seen them attached to servos on the high end hexapod kits with the expensive brackets.

Ive also seen them much larger on turntables. 2 metal plates with a ball race runnning round in a circle between the plates.

I want to have a go at a hexapod but without buying the expensive metal brackets.
Using micro servos and light plastic/plasticard formed to make the legs and body.
So they need to be small.

As to materials Im wondering if theres something in neoprene that I could use,
failing that a metal bearing.



I've had good luck with these guys for some bearings on a larger motor/gearbox combo:

Maybe they might have what you need, or can suggest something (or another supplier)?

Good luck!


Are you thinking of a thrust bearing?

Swash plate?

Lazy Susan.

Looks like its a type of thrust bearing I want then.
I associated them with taper rollers with cages as I use those on motorcycle headstocks for the stearing.
But it also covers the flat bearings as well.
Ill have a look at the bearing factors.
Theres a good one nearish to me but I didnt want to go in without the correct name for the bearing.

I think the lazy susan will be just too big.

