Hello everyone.
New computer, new windows 7 64bit Proff and new problems
Before, the same windows but installation from other dvd and everything was ok.
MCU: 32F103C8T6, this board
With STM Utility Flasher I can programm chip so I think It is a windows problem.
I run with "run as administrator". I have Arduiono on disk C, on disk D and still the same problem.
Programmer - ST-Link V2 clone, after ST Utility firmware upgrade and with old firmware (when Arduino was ok). It doesn't matter.
After 2 days I have no more ideas, help me please.
I apologize for not being word-perfect in English
STM32 ST-LINK CLI v2.1.0
STM32 ST-LINK Command Line Interface
ST-LINK SN : 52FF6C064888555256352587
ST-LINK Firmware version : V2J32S7
Connected via SWD.
SWD Frequency = 1800K.
Connection mode : Normal.
Device ID:0x410
Device flash Size : 64 Kbytes
Device family :STM32F10xx Medium-density
Loading file...
Unable to open file!
MCU Reset.
Application started.