Beginner: download / save from mega

Hello Forum,
I wonder haw can i download the installed software that is working on my Arduino.
i lost the sketch i compiled and uploaded but its working fine.
Now i want to do some more tutorials but i would like to restore the installed prog have configured for my 3d printer.
thank you

Extracting Code from an Arduino

Instead of wasting time on extracting the code, you should try developing the code again, as even if you get successful in recovering the hex file, it's kind of useless coz you can't edit it or make changes.

Hello Ro88ro,
What I suspect that you don't realise is that the the code on your Mega is not the same as what you typed into your computer. You type in C++, which is kind of human readable (once you know C++), the compiler takes that and converts it to machine code, which is awfully difficult for a human to read. The problem is that it's not like taking English and translating it to German, you can just as easily go from German to English. Compiling C++ to machine code is easy (for your computer), going the other way if fiendishly difficult. You can't just get the code out of your Mega and expect to recover the original C++.

You can't just get the code out of your Mega and expect to recover the original C++.

That's a bit like trying to make a pig out of pork sausages.

That's a bit like trying to make a pig out of pork sausages.

LMAO!! ++Karma;