Ok so i have $100 for amazon and i want to buy nothing but arduino products.
I want use arduinjo as a leaning tool for programing sinc ei just started my first year as a computer science major at kent state.
so i plan on using erector sets as the body and stuff and the arduino to control.
so this is what i plan on getting on amazon lmk if you would do anything different thanks
SunFounder Mega 2560 R3 Project Starter Kit For Arduino UNO R3 Mega2560 Mega328 Nano
Package included
1x SunFounder Mega 2560 R3
65x Jumper Wire
1x USB Cable
1x Breadboard
1x Hookup Wire Set
1x Project Box
8x Resistor - 220R
4x Resistor - 1 kR
4x Resistor - 10 kR
4x Resistor - 100 kR
1x Resistor - 1 MR
1x Resistor - 5.1 MR
2x NPN Transistor
1x FET Power Transistor
2x Diode (Rectifier)
1x Diode (Zener)
1x Motion Sensor (Tilt Switch)
1x Light Sensor (Photocell)
1x Temperature Sensor
2x Button
1x Rotary Knob (Potentiometer)
1x Servo Motor
2x green LED
2x red LED
2x yellow LED
1x Piezo Buzzer/Speaker
1x Relay
Sunfounder Project Super Starter Kit for Arduino UNO R3 Mega2560 Mega328 Nano
Package included
1x Project Box
40x Pin Header
1x Timer 555
1x Optocoupler 4N35
2x Shift Register 74HC595N
1x H-Bridge L293D
1x Accelerometer ADXL335
1x Rotary Encoder
5x Push-Button small
8x Resistor - 220R
4x Resistor - 1 kR
4x Resistor - 10 kR
4x Resistor - 100 kR
1x Resistor - 1 MR
1x Resistor - 5.1 MR
1x Switch
1x Trim Pot 100k
1x LCD Character Display 16x2
1x Dot Matrix Display 8x8
2x 7-Segment Character Display
1x DC Motor
16x LED red
2x LED white
2x LED green
2x LED yellow
2x Transistor NPN
2x Transistor PNP
4x Capacitor Ceramic 100nF
4x Capacitor Ceramic 10nF
2x Diode Rectifier
1x Breadboard
1x USB Cable
65x Jumper Wires
Box for Arduino
28BYJ-48 28BYJ48 DC 5V 4-Phase 5-Wire Arduino Stepper Motor with ULN2003 Driver Board x4
Arduino Cookbook
SainSmart L293D Motor Drive Shield For Arduino Duemilanove Mega UNO R3 AVR ATMEL