I am a Tunisian student, I was interested in Arduino world, I realized a lot of projects! but in my area there are students who do not know what is an Arduino kit, they do not know how it works, so I decided to become an ambassador of your community in my area! I would distribute kits arduino, Steakers of these students, and we will do events for Arduino projtects!
So how can I become an ambassador for your community
Just start being the ambassador
build a Tunesian web shop (try to become a reseller of e.g. sparkfun and adafruit)
give demo's to fellow students
organize a Maker Fair in Tunis (or another city) including 3D printing etc
organize a fablab on your university or beyond. - http://fab.cba.mit.edu/about/faq/ -
(think 2,4,3,1 is a reasonable order)
If questions arise you can always forward people to the forum where the community helps hundreds of requests per day.
but we do not have products to exhibit! is that there's a possibility of receiving a packet from the company that represents these products as' the Arduino kits, shields, Steakers, or kits Starting manifold?
If you want to be an entrepreneur you have to invest...
You can always contact companies like Sparkfun, adafruit, yourduino to see if they like your business plan ...