Hi All
Which is is the best Bluetooth Module to work with
Android 2.2 -> 4.1.2 AND iOS 6 and 7 iPhone 4s and newer ?
are they even all the same bluetooth standard ?
Thanks in advance
Hi All
Which is is the best Bluetooth Module to work with
Android 2.2 -> 4.1.2 AND iOS 6 and 7 iPhone 4s and newer ?
are they even all the same bluetooth standard ?
Thanks in advance
Hi All
Which is is the best Bluetooth Module to work with
Android 2.2 -> 4.1.2 AND iOS 6 and 7 iPhone 4s and newer ?are they even all the same bluetooth standard ?
Thanks in advance
For the iPhone/iPad, you need BLE 4.0 (Bluetooth Low Energy 4.0).
Apple doesn't allow any typical Buletooth terminal apps like you can find for the droid.
Bluetooth is only part of the hassle I found, the second was getting apps on the iPhone and iPad to work with it. I gave up and just went wireless (ethernet shield and a WiFi dongle). Use any browser.
i m in search of Apple devices and Arduino Long time... u Can try this
This is Cheap...
This is Cheap...
It could also be a mistake.
That device looks like a direct mechanical replacement for the HC-0x as well as functional. Therefore it will be just as daunting to install. You would be better off looking for the same thing already installed on a backing board with standard 2.54 pin connections. It will also absolve you from all that voltage conversion malarkey. This will probably be the JY-MCU, and thus will only cost about $2 more. Having said that, I'm surprised the BLE itself is so cheap and we may find that the HC-0x family will soon be a thing of the past.
Note that the above does not solve the practical software problems Wabbit alludes to. I don't know anything about them but his comments don't surprise me and, if you have already determined that bluetooth is a satisfactory way to go, it is probably simpler and cheaper to just get an Android and use that - probably via a BLE device.
If you decide to take that path, here is some background that may be useful. This is written for the plain vanilla HC-0x family but the principles should be the same.
i've been searching for the Arduino to iPad control via Bluetooth 4.0, But i ended up with Some Expensive shield like
Redbear Shield: $29.95
BLEDuino: $19.95
Bluegiga : $69.95
Mostly people are using(Including new Hardware start up- Coin's one)- CC2540 from TI.....(https://github.com/CoinApps/arduino-ble-dev-kit/wiki/BLE-Software)
People already worked on this and Shared good result...
i hope this may lead to cheap Arduino- i Pad Bluetooth connections .
None of that stuff solves the software problem, the dog-chasing-car scenario.
I saw the let's make robots article - very interesting. It appears that practical use of the HN-10 might be a bit premature but I can't help but feel that it will take over from the HC-0x family soon. When it has, you will be left in no doubt about it. It will be on a proper breakout board and available on eBay for less than $10. This is just a matter of evolution but more likely it will be for the benefit of Android not iPhone. The fact that it will connect with Apple may be immaterial.
None of that stuff solves the software problem,
1.What are hardware and software problems in HC-10 (I feel kind of modules can go large numbers if we reduce the problems in it,So this $10 module will help many peopleto build amazing iphone BLE possibilites)
2.Right now,what may be all working and reliable Bluetooth module for Arduino- iPad BLE4.0 connection...
1.What are hardware and software problems in HC-10
You have as much background as I. While I believe BLE may take over, it would appear that the situation is unclear, and rushing to get one might be a little premature. The only good reason for getting one at the moment is that you really need the low energy feature. For an Apple user, the only software problem is the scarcity. This is not an HM-10 problem, it's an apple problem. You will have to get onto Wabbitguy about that. I don't think there is a fundamental secret hardware problem. My bluetooth keyboard is made for apple.
I feel kind of modules can go large numbers if we reduce the problems in it,So this $10 module will help many peopleto build amazing iphone BLE possibilites[/i])
It probably will go large numbers, likely driven by the medical industry, and the reason why is that aren't any problems. I understand it is made as a direct replacement to the HC-05. The fact that it will also work with iPhone may be no more than a happy coincidence. It's not the iPhone BLE possibilities you need to worry about, it's the iPhone/BLE/Arduino possibilities.
2.Right now,what may be all working and reliable Bluetooth module for Arduino- iPad BLE4.0 connection...
I don't think there are any reliability problems with the connection. The only problem is the cost of RedBear and the like.