I'm looking for advice on the most suitable microcontroller for an audio processing application ingesting multiple audio channels (4) and generating sound where minimal latency is crucial, say 50 micro-seconds and a sample rate above 30KHz.
i was assuming that embedded ADC/DAC is preferable.
my first experiments with R4 Uno and ESP32 make me think that it will be too slow (even using direct register handling).
is that doable? should i go for fpga or other platforms ?
many thanks
Somehow you forgot to describe exactly what you want to do.
So, no buffering, how about toggling a digital pin like how a class D amplifier works?
What I want to achieve is a device that helps record/listen birdsong using beamforming and audio source separation techniques.
short latency is not an absolute requirement but I would like also to explore earing aid scenario
hmmm, the point is that the output signal results from some calculation based on input channels ( eg delay, sum, multiply)
Your "explaniation" is just taking around the subject. Why don't you just describe what you want to do?
right, here is an example of the process i have in mind :
for channel in [1,2,3,4] :
buffer[channel] = Buffer(size = 20 * channel) // creating fifo
void loop() : // expecting that it would take less than 50 microsec
for channel in [1,2,3,4] :
int s = 0
for channel in [0,1,2,3] :
s += buffer[channel].pop()
Get a Raspberrypi and some USB microphones.