BEST microcontroller for model rocketry?

just crossed my mind,
what is the best MCU for model rocketry?
my opinion is esp s3 or smth like that cuz, it has more GPIO pins and 240 MHz clock speed.
what is your choice? and why?
thank you :black_heart:

when i say "BEST", i mean like necessary processing power, and enough pins for data logging, servos, mosfets, gps and all other sensors that require. and RELIABILITY...:black_heart:

I don't think there's any microntroller that's specifically going to be "best".

Many other microcontrollers are also available with loads of IO pins and speeds of that order - and more.

"Best" is aways subjective. Without a comprehensive list of requirements, asking for best processor is a "how much rope do i need" question.


What about Ardupilot?

Is that a microcontroller ... ? :thinking:



  • "more GPIO pins" is no advantage when you only need a few

  • "240 MHz clock speed" is no advantage when you only need 16MHz
    (and may actually be a disadvantage if low power is critical)

Necessary for what, exactly?

That depends on what, exactly, is required.

They're all silicon chips - they all have the reliability of silicon chips.

Again, there's not going to be just one "best" - it will always be a matter of matching the specific requirements & constraints of the particular project at hand.

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ATSAMD21 has enough GPIO and clock speed.

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