I would start by looking at toy stores. You may find something close you need to modify.
OK, that is a good idea. I've already ripped apart an Easy Button so I get the general concept. Too bad that switch, while momentary, red, and 10 out of 10 on the cool factor, won't work for this project...
It IS a momentary switch, so it COULD work as a monentary switch, schematic-wise, but really there has to be a certain Hollywood look and feel to this project, see the top image. It has to be a button on top of a stick or something similar, with the enable and reset buttons probably on the side. The actual dead-man switch has to be big and hopefully blinky but it should not be as big as an Easy Button.
I'm starting to think something like this would be good, though it doesn't have a safety. Maybe I could find a safety cover to go over it...
Maybe this switch on the side of the stick with a grenade pin as the enable and disable all in one, plus an extra blinky LED for when the pin is pulled. I think that may work...