Best transistor to use

Hi, I want to switch a transistor using an arduino pin.

The transistor will connect to 3, 12v LED strips, wired in series and drawing a total of 440 milliamps.

I have a 2N222A NPN lying around, which is rated 40v 800ma. Would this be able to do it with, a suitable resistor on the base pin?

I assume you mean a 2N2222A? 800mA is the max collector current rating. Is that less than 440? No. But you asked about the best transistor. I would use a logic level MOSFET.

Are you sure it's in series? You really have a 36V supply?

But yeay, if the numbers are right that transistor should work. I think the best transistor is a transistor that meets the specs and you already have it laying around.

I think the best transistor is a transistor that meets the specs and you already have it laying around.

Awesome advice... and exactly why some transistors become "the goto devices" in common situations. There is nothing inherently special about 2N2222A or 2N3906 or BC547 etc... except that a well stocked parts bin will have them... and they meet the need in some typical situations... and... because so many ancestral engineers also "had them handy".

In fact "best" is meaningless unless there's a detailed list of requirements to base a decision on.
Price, package, availablility, thermal issues may all be important - or not.

40V is not enough margin of safety for a 36V system (certainly not if a lead-acid battery),
find something with 55 or 60V (hint: automotive logic-level MOSFETs tend to be rated at
this sort of voltage, and they are plentiful and cheap).

Awesome. Thanks for the help guys