I recently asked question on the forum. I extracted where i had problem out. An angel helped to solved my issue. Going back to integrate the code with my main code i had issue again. Here is my question. Is it best to copy the whole code or just the section of the code with issue. Thanks
It is best to continue the discussion in the same Thread where your original question was handled. That way everyone has easy access to all the relevant data.
Generally speaking it is best always to post a complete program. If it is a long program it can make it easier to help if you can write a short program that illustrates the problem.
I presume you have read How to use the Forum
Thanks Robin am a newbie thats why i will check the link out now
Here is my question. Is it best to copy the whole code or just the section of the code with issue. Thanks
That is easily answered.
Always post the whole code. While you may think you know where the problem is, it is a principle only too well known to Micro$oft that while any given section of code may work perfectly in normal operation, it may be caused to fail by something that was set up in a quite different part. And someone inspecting the code will need to know what conditions have been set up in advance for the part apparently causing the problem.