Best way to track multiple objects in 3d space

I'm trying to track the location of some cubes which I place on a table and move through space, and stream the location / orientation data in 6 DoF through Arduino. I previously attempted to integrate accelerometer data to get displacement / location but it suffered from heavy cascading error. After doing some reading on the forum and online it seems like the best options are

  • OpenCV object tracking, with a couple cameras used to infer 3d position
  • Several ultrasonic proximity sensors for location (but not orientation)
  • Gyro + integration for orientation and position
  • Sensor grid (RFID tags?) arranged in a dense grid
  • Markers like motion capture and cameras

I'm looking for a system which has relatively low latency, high X/Y/Z accuracy, and can track multiple objects, ideally even if occluded, and isn't too expensive. I've looked at markerless inside-out tracking for XR/VR applications but the cameras mounted on the tracker make each individual tracker too expensive.

The final output might be something like this:

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