When done my project will use a Duemilanove and have an lcd , another shield on top of it and be pluggd in to a wall outlet that is hard to get to. The project does not need to be on all the time. Without unplugging the wall cable, what is the best way to add a switch or some other way of turning the Arduino Duemilanove on and off?
Thanks. Do you mean like the switch on lamp's cord? Like a small lamp I might get at IKEA?
Any way to turn it on and off without touching the wall wart or incoming line?
Any way to turn it on and off without touching the wall wart or incoming line?
The standard Arduino Duemilanove is hard wired from the power connector to the regulator. I can't think of any way to interrupt power without cutting a trace on the pcb.
The seeduino has a switch to select the regulator or USB input. Setting it to USB effectively kills power to the board if USB is disconnected. So it can function as an on/off switch in that case.
As Brian suggests, sleeping may be your only alternative to a complete power down without interrupting the power input.