best working UART setting for the DUE 200000 - 500000 baud?

which is supposed to be the best working UART setting for the DUE within a range between 200000 to 500000 baud, without having to change the 84MHz clock?

What does the relevant Atmel datasheet say?

I don't have a Due but I regularly use 500,000 baud on an Uno and an 8MHz Attiny1634.

You also need to consider the capabilities of the device the Arduino is connected to. I don't think the Arduino Serial Monitor will work at 500,000 baud.


my question is about the Due, which runs at 84 MHz, not 8, and not 16, and 500000 is not a 2^n fraction of 84000000, so 500000 probably will cause UART transmission errors on an Due (opposite to 8 or 16MHz).
So I would appreciate a reply from a user who knows the correct answer from proprietary experience :sunglasses:

So I would appreciate a reply from a user who knows the correct answer from proprietary experience :sunglasses:

Having looked at the datasheet I think you are wise.

The datasheet for the Atmega328 (and similar) has tables showing the possible baud rates but the datasheet for the SAM3X does not seem to have them.


sorry, I do not understand what you want to express by that:

Having looked at the datasheet I think you are wise.
The datasheet for the Atmega328 (and similar) has tables showing the possible baud rates but the datasheet for the SAM3X does not seem to have them.

what is now the answer to my question

"which is supposed to be the best working UART setting for the DUE within a range between 200000 to 500000 baud, without having to change the 84MHz clock?"

sorry, I do not understand what you want to express by that:

I meant "I don't know"


so how to make a quicker UART baud rate work for the Due (~230000, ~460000, ~500000 ?)

I have had another very brief look at the Sam3x datasheet. Section 35.7.1 explains how to calculate baud rates and the percentage error at different rates.

I leave it to you to do the maths.

You should probably also study the Arduino code that sets the baud rates when you use Serial.begin(baudRate)

It may also help you if you click Report to Moderator and ask for this Thread to be moved to the DUE section of the Forum.


does already know someone the answer to my question, to work safely and reliably for the Due (~230000, ~460000, ~500000 baud ?)

(as already stated, I would appreciate a reply from a user who knows the correct answer from proprietary experience :sunglasses: )