Bidirectional communicaction using nRF24L01+

Hi people,
I'm trying to get 2 nodes communicating with each other but I'm having issues regarding to the pipe addresses,
Each node should be listening until it has something to send, then it would stopListening, write to the pipe and startListening again.

I've read here that "One caveat is that you must have the receive address of pipe 0 be the same as the transmit address if you have auto-ack enabled on the pipe you’re sending data to/from" but in the Ping/Pong example ("RF24" > "Getting Started") both addresses are different and swapped in each node.

So how should I define the pipe addresses in each node so that they can communicate with each other? Thanks

NOTE: I'm using maniacbug's RF24 library

Look at the pingpair_pl example. It uses ack payloads on one pipe address