Hello mates,
i want to make a big led matrix, about 600mm x 400mm, but I`am not very familiar to led matrix, can some one help with tutorial ot advises?
Hello mates,
i want to make a big led matrix, about 600mm x 400mm, but I`am not very familiar to led matrix, can some one help with tutorial ot advises?
The size is nice and all, but what matters most is how many LED's do you want to use?
Do you only want to ever have only a couple lit, or do you want to be able to light the entire matrix at once?
Now I'm not an electronics person, so I won't be able to help beyond this.
However, these questions will undoubtedly help somebody who does know about this stuff =)
I want to use matrix as information board:
Message, temperature, time etc
The overall size of the matrix is less important than the number of LEDs in the matrix. You didn't answer that.
Is 2 x 2 sufficient?
You could make you a jig that way they are all aligned.
You could do a lot worse than putting several of these (Peggy 2) together Each one is about 280x280mm of LED array, with 625 LEDs.
a "big" LED is 10mm in diameter, so 400x600mm is about 2400 LEDs if you want them spaced pretty close together. Double or triple that for multi-color capability.
yes i am about to solder a 3000+ led (5mm leds)
But the question is, how to control so many with arduino? Is there a good tutorial for that?
how to control so many with arduino? Is there a good tutorial for that?
For 3000+ LEDs no I think you are on your own. Have you calculated the current? How are you going to drive them? What do you want them to do? (on / off or dimming).
How frequently do you want to change the display?
Ill use it for information table, logo of the firm, text, etc. I
ll not light up all the leds in same time, and so I`ll use a ATX power supply
I did one with 1024 led's in 8x8 matrix packages (man that was a bear to wire) aside from the current draw and the control system I quickly raninto speed issues
There is a lot to think about, you need to look at the questions being presented to you and answer them with as much detail as you can provide
otherwise your not going to get very far as you can start to see