I am trying to control 4 motors using Matlab serial connection.
I am using 4 Big Easy Drivers v1.2 (BED) with Wantai Motors 57BYGH420 .
The BED are in the simplest configurations right now. Motor wires, 12V power, Ground, Step, Enable, Ground.
The Arduino code compiles and uploads to a mega board, but when I send bytes from Matlab nothing happens.
My main goal is to send 4 step values to the Arduino from Matlab in one array. Therefore the Arduino only needs to do a Serial.read() once, and then it parses the Array into individual values for each motor.
Does anyone have any ideas on what I am doing wrong or a different method of sending code from Matlab to the Big Easy Driver.
Here is the Arduino Code...
*Note: I used part of this code for a CNC machine that used MakerBot drivers/libraries and adapted it for AccelStepper/Big Easy Driver.
// Attach AccelStepper Library
#include <AccelStepper.h>
// Assign Stepper Motors motor(wiring,step, direction)
AccelStepper XMotor(1,4,5);
AccelStepper TopWheel(1,6,7);
AccelStepper BottomWheel(1,8,9);
AccelStepper ZMotor(1,10,11);
// Introduce variables
int gLineBuffIdx = 0;
char gLineBuffer[80];
boolean gValidDataReceived = false;
boolean gSendResponseWhenDone = false;
// Define Number of Motors in System
#define kMaxMotors 4
// Defines the length of array read into serial [0 0 0 0]
int gMotorPosition[kMaxMotors];
// Set Up
void setup()
int ii;
// Initialize Machine to not run the motors.
gValidDataReceived = false;
// Start serial connection
// Initialize Motor Speed, Max Speed. (steps/second)
// Max Speed given: Imax=2A, L = 2.5H, V=3.6V, Steps/rev=3200steps
//Maz Speed= .113 revs/second --> 361.6 steps/second
// XMotor.setCurrentPosition();
void loop()
// Run Function
void Run(void)
//Define Motor Positions In the array
#define XNextPosition 0
#define TopNextPosition 1
#define BottomNextPosition 2
#define ZNextPosition 3
// Run Serial function
if (gValidDataReceived)
if (gMotorPosition[XNextPosition] == 1)
XMotor.moveTo(gMotorPosition[XNextPosition] );
XMotor.moveTo(gMotorPosition[XNextPosition] );
gValidDataReceived = false;
// [12 36 50 100]
int ParseOneLine(char *lineBuffer)
int myStringLen;
int tt;
char theChar;
int valueCounter;
char valueString[16];
int valueCharIdx;
// Serial.print("ParseOneLine ");
// Serial.print(lineBuffer);
myStringLen = strlen(lineBuffer); //string length is equal to 9
tt = 0;
valueCounter = 0;
valueCharIdx = 0;
// Loop stores the step number in the motor location of array
// gMotorPosition[counter]
while(tt <= myStringLen)
theChar = lineBuffer[tt];
if ((theChar == 0x20) || (theChar == 0x5d)) //0x20 is hex for space 0x5d=]
valueString[valueCharIdx] = 0; //* null terminate the string
if (valueCounter < kMaxMotors)
gMotorPosition[valueCounter] = atoi(valueString); //string to an integer (this is the vector of integers we are looking for)
// Serial.print("value = ");
// Serial.println(gMotorPosition[valueCounter]);
valueCounter += 1;
valueCharIdx = 0; // reset for next variable
gValidDataReceived = true;
else if (theChar == 0x5b) // hex for [
else // this will be when string character is a number
valueString[valueCharIdx] = theChar;
valueCharIdx += 1;
tt += 1;
// for (tt=0; tt<3; tt++)
// {
// Serial.println(gMotorPosition[tt]);
// }
// Serial.println("ParseOneLine exit");
//Read from matlab
void CheckSerialInput()
char theChar;
// send data only when you receive data:
if (Serial.available() > 0)
// read the incoming byte:
// 0x0d, 0x0a, 0x20 are ASCII code for Carriage REturn, New Line, and Space respectively
theChar = Serial.read();
if ((theChar == 0x0d) || (theChar == 0x0a)) //* is it a Carriage Return wait until you get the whole line to put in array
//* we have the END OF LINE (CR = 0x0d = Carriage Return) (/n = 0x0a = newline
gLineBuffer[gLineBuffIdx] = 0; //* null terminate the line
// Serial.println(gLineBuffer);
gLineBuffIdx = 0; //* reset index back to 0 (start of line)
else if (theChar >= 0x20) //* 0x20 is the HEX value for the CHAR SPACE
//* its a regular character, store it in the line buffer
// Store output from matlab as gLineBuffer
gLineBuffer[gLineBuffIdx] = theChar;
gLineBuffIdx += 1;
Matlab Output:
global obj1
obj1 = instrfind('Type', 'serial', 'Port', 'COM3', 'Tag', '');
% Create the serial port object if it does not exist
% otherwise use the object that was found.
if isempty(obj1)
obj1 = serial('COM3');
obj1 = obj1(1);
go_X = 500;
go_Top = 500;
go_Bottom = 500;
go_Z = 500;
fprintf(obj1, sprintf('[%f %f %f %f]',go_X, go_Top, go_Bottom, go_Z));
If you need any other infromation let me know. Any help is GREATLY appreciated.
TestMotors.m (421 Bytes)
sketch_nov07a (3).zip (1.8 KB)