Hi all!
I'm new using this kind of LCD, so I got the shield to MEGA/Due.
I'm using Due to control the TFT but in UTFT library doesn't have a BIG font for texting.
Does anybody has any library that has BIG fonts?
Hope anyone can help me.
Hi all!
I'm new using this kind of LCD, so I got the shield to MEGA/Due.
I'm using Due to control the TFT but in UTFT library doesn't have a BIG font for texting.
Does anybody has any library that has BIG fonts?
Hope anyone can help me.
UTFT comes with a SmallFont, BigFont, SevenSegmentFont.
You can use as many Fonts as you like. Just obey the UTFT format.
There are many Fonts in the public domain. And several Font Design programs.
What size do you want?
If by "texting" you mean writing in gobbledygook, surely it does not matter what Font you use.
Hi David, thanks for your reply!
I need to use this TFT as a monitor, that will show the velocity and the rpm of the motor to a pilot in a offroad car. So, i need a really big font, like this two last fonts on the photo in attachment.
Can you help me?
How can I take a fontdatabyte for this sizes?
Thanks for your help.
What attachment?
You either specify a size in mm relative to the height of the screen in mm.
Or you specify height in pixels.
Or how many letters you want on the screen.
e.g. is the sevensegmentFont the size that you want?
Occurred an error when i was attaching the photo.
The size i want is something like 15x15mm (i dont know how pixels it is).
The HX8357 is 480x320 pixels. i.e. about 70mm x 50mm.
Most letters are taller than they are wide. But by the sound of it, you want to fit 5 letters in the screen in landscape mode. e.g. you could write DAVID but nothing longer.
So you are looking at a font that is 96 pixels high. Since you can only show 3 rows of 5 letters, you probably do not want a large number of letters. A big font uses quite a bit of flash memory. About 1kB per letter.
Just try some sample fonts. Most Font Creation programs will let you steal fonts from the PC.
Hi David!
That's what i want (what you said). But i'm very noob computing.
In UTFU library there is a "DefaultFonts.c" and inside this, there are the Fonts size (SmallFont, BigFont and SevenSegFont) and their respective "fontdatatype".
The question is, can you do some "fontdatatype" with the size that i need (15mm hight), to help me? Or it's not so simple?
Thanks for reply!
I had rather assumed that UTFT supported proportional fonts. Most Graphics libraries do.
Unfortunately, the Font editor that I use outputs proportional fonts. I can only suggest that you Google for a Font editor that will output Monospaced fonts.
The alternative is to alter UTFT to support variable width letters. Then you can use any font that you like.
The Adafruit libraries do not accept multiple fonts. They just use a singe 5x7 monospaced font and let you multiply the size. Not too bad at 2x but anything bigger looks very blocky.
I am not at my PC. Modifying UTFT seems the easiest solution. Of course this will make it incompatible with any future releases of the UTFT library.
For future reference, UTFT_DLB handles proportional fonts as an add-on library to UTFT. Proportional/TTF/OTF Fonts using UTFT and windows - Displays - Arduino Forum
I had a swift look at how UTFT handles fonts. It is not trivial to handle the aspect and rotation.
Fortunately MalcolmPX has got some suitable fonts.
Thanks for the links. Both to Malcolm and Graham.
I had addressed this issue to Henning a few times already. I proposed he add a function that would scale the basic fonts, (Small, Big and sevenSeg) but he refused as he didn't want to also need to write the code for antialiasing too. Even after I made the functions myself and sent him the code, he turned it down.
Here is my attempt. Please note that the code is unfinished and it is also an older version.
UTFT.cpp (27.8 KB)
UTFT.h (9.29 KB)
Anyone care to share a simple sketch using these libs? I've tried for hours cant' get it working with a 3.5 inch (320 x 480) display based on an HX8357.
Anyone care to share a simple sketch using these libs? I've tried for hours cant' get it working with a 3.5 inch (320 x 480) display based on an HX8357.
See the attachment in reply #32 in this link.