Hi, i'm new and still don't know if arduino can help me to do this. I'd like to control the bpm of a sequencer software using relay on bike wheel like a tap tempo pedal. I should have a first signal that i should midi map as a start signal and at least 2 other signal that keep the midi tempo synced with the wheel speed. Can i do it with arduino?
thanks and sorry for my english
Yes you can.
You will need to mount some sort of sensor on the bike wheel to detect the rotation and then you can use the MIDI library in the playground to send a message through the MIDI ports.
You will need to create a serial interface that is compatible with the MIDI standards (easy). Just look in the Sound forum for info on this.
thanks. the sensor would be a reed relay, it just short the circuit when a magnet pass near to it.
can i send with arduino a voltage to the relay? so when it close, the voltage get back(this should work like a trigger)
For any sensor, especially if it is a switch, you need to make sure that when the sensor is not 'on' that it is actually 'off' and not a floating input. This means that you will need to implement a pull down resistor as part of your circuit when the switch is not connected. Conversely, if you are planning a normally on switch, the logic is reversed and you need a pull up resistor as the switch will switch to zero volts.
For a mechanical switch you will also need to take care of switch bounce.
For both of these there are plenty of references in the forum and online.
and wich model of arduino you suggest?
I think an Arduino Uno would be sufficient.