I would appreciate any ideas to solve this problem. I am using Windows 10 on Lenova Yoga2 laptop.
This is the message i received:
avrdude:ser_open():can't open device "\.\COM4": The system cannot find the file specified.
Thank you!
I would appreciate any ideas to solve this problem. I am using Windows 10 on Lenova Yoga2 laptop.
This is the message i received:
avrdude:ser_open():can't open device "\.\COM4": The system cannot find the file specified.
Thank you!
Have you confirmed you are connected to that comm port?
Yes I have. I changed ports so the error message is gone but the code is still not activated. The blinking light test is on but that is all. Any suggestions? Should I disassemble this project and rebuild it again? I feel like I'm really close to getting it to work!
so the error message is gone
You mean, you don't get an error message when you upload? Or what?
Yes, that's correct.
If it uploads without error then the sketch is uploaded. If it does not work as expected it's an error in the sketch or a hardware issue, not an issue with the Arduino anymore.