I need to program my arduino to display in binary code over 6 LEDs the number of times a button has been pressed. I saw a tutorial on it but I'm still confused can anyone help? This is the first time I have ever done anything with programming.
what are you confused on? what tutorial?
Try this Learning Tutorial
When you have that working, then you can add code to start counting.
Then once you can detect button push, you can show it on the output pins:
if (button_was_pressed == 1){
button_count = button_count +1;
// mask off the bits, and drive the LEDs.
LED0state = button_count & B00000001; // results in B0000000x, with being HIGH or LOW (1 or 0)
digitalWrite (LEDbit0, LED0state); // LEDbit0 defined as an output pin
LED1state = (button_count & B00000010)>>1; // mask for bit 1, shift into 0/1 position
digitalWrite (LEDbit1, LED1state);
LED2state = (button_count & B00000100)>>2; // mask for bit 2, shift into 0/1 position
digitalWrite (LEDbit2, LED2state);
LED3state = (button_count & B00001000)>>3; // mask for bit 3, shift into 0/1 position
digitalWrite (LEDbit3, LED3state);
LED4state = (button_count & B00010000)>>4; // mask for bit 4, shift into 0/1 position
digitalWrite (LEDbit4, LED4state);
LED5state = (button_count & B00100000)>>5; // mask for bit 5, shift into 0/1 position
digitalWrite (LEDbit5, LED5state);
if (button_count == B01000000){ button_count = 0;} // not really needed, as last 2 bits can be ignored