Binary comm over serial

I'm trying to speak binary to a moisture vaporator, I've learned the math. I can convert between decimal, hex and binary on paper.

b = 2;
       Serial.println("Two in binary:");
       Serial.print(b, BIN);

Returns: 10

Which is shortened from 0010. Now is this because the serial monitor built into the arduino ide shortens it? Will my moisture vaporator get a truncated byte or the whole thing?

Also, shortened from 00000010. A byte has 8 bits. The leading zeros are not significant, so they can be dropped when they are displayed. The byte, when it is transmitted over the wires, has all 8 bits.

Whoa... slow down!

First we gotta understand how to program binary loadlifters. Then we can move on to the binary language of moisture vaporators.
