Bio DAQ - EKG, EMG, GSR, Spirometry, and Pulse Ox

Hello Arduino friends,

I have launched a Kickstarters campaign for a Bio Medical data acquisition board. It is based on the Arduino, and talks to the computer using LabView. It has an on board 5V Regulator, and can be powered by a battery, or the computer. It has 2 630 mA draw outputs. You can read any 0-5V analog signal, and has the ability to read EKG, EMG, GSR, Spirometry, and Pulse OX. Please check it out and help spread the word! Thanks!

-Zach Houser-

Sounds good,
Why Labview (only)?

You can use any software you would like. I chose to build upon what people have already done in Labview. The system is Super Simple to use. Plug in the device to the USB. It auto finds it and connects. Then choose what you are measuring, and press start. The data is acquired at 1000Hz and even logged to a .csv file. The Labview program can also post process the data from the file.

The first revision boards will have 3 2.5mm barrel jack inputs. One with a differential Op Amp, One with a hardware low pass filter, and one straight analog input. The board also has the ability to read a differential pressure of .3PSI. This will be used to acquire the users blood pressure. An added option is a Force transducer that can measure up to 98Lbs.

I am currently working on adding pulse ox to the device also. A small hole with an LED, and photo sensor will rest just below the surface. You will place your finger firmly over it, and it will take the reading.

If anyone is interested in getting one of these, please help me fund it. Even if you can help spread the word. It seems like this is going to be a very niche market.

Check out the video on Kickstarter to see it in action. Thanks!