Bipolar Stepper motor spec.[SOLVED]


I salvaged one Bipolar Stepper motor 4 wires. I got success to test it with some code and a HG7881 (L9110) Dual Channel Motor Driver Module, with no problem, and running smoothly.
But I couldn't find any info about specification.

Steps per revolution ??
Current rating ??
Voltage rating ?? pretty sure it's 12v, but could be 5v ( it was part of a verrrrry old hard-disc )
Size: 39 mm square × 26 mm

Only visible label on it with this info: 4h4009s-0412, and with bigger code: 67C, Sinano Electric ( the " h " of shinano is not printed ).
Over sHinano web site iI could find some very similar, but none with this code.

Any info, or link to info is wellcome.


If you can make it move you can count the steps per revolution.

Measure the resistance of the coils.


Its a 12V motor.

That is all I could get from Google.

Tom.... :slight_smile:

If you can make it move you can count the steps per revolution.

Measure the resistance of the coils.


Thanks for the tips.

For counting steeps I just wrote a code and using a 16x2 LCD to count. I will mark the axis and try to stop the motor close to the last steep.
I tried it manually with my fingers. I was able to do it until 1/4 revolution. I could count a lot of steeps, and I'm pretty sure I missed some. :slight_smile:

Coil resistance are 23.5 ohm.
So If I remember my old days at school:

I = V / R, shoud be 0.510 amp

As user TomGeorge was found, it's a 12 vts motor. Running more than 30mns with 12v powered, didn't overheating at all

Its a 12V motor.

That is all I could get from Google.

Tom.... :slight_smile:

Thanks a lot.

It was same here, only found this location: size, weight and voltage and usage ( HDD motor ) and Slovenian language is not on my list :slight_smile:

For counting steeps I just wrote a code

Make it do a fixed number of steps - 200 is a good place to start - and see if it does an exact 360o rotation. If not, change the number.
With a current requirment of about 0.5 amps you could use a Pololu A4988 stepper driver.

Have a look at stepper motor basics and this simple stepper code.


Make it do a fixed number of steps - 200 is a good place to start - and see if it does an exact 360o rotation. If not, change the number.
With a current requirment of about 0.5 amps you could use a Pololu A4988 stepper driver.

Have a look at stepper motor basics and this simple stepper code.


Thanks again for suggestion.

The 30 mms test was with this a4988 stepper driver. Previously was with a L9110.
I just finished to test it with 200 steps, and it turns CW and CCW for 180º, so I assume that is a 400 steps, maybe 402 because the maker was just nearly 179º than 180, before turning backward.

400 is common. I have never heard of 402.
Make sure your driver is doing full steps and is not microstepping x2.


400 is common. I have never heard of 402.
Make sure your driver is doing full steps and is not microstepping x2.


Again... thanks for your time.

You are right, it's a 400 steps per revolution. My code was bad, only counting 199 for CW and after going CCW. I tried your basic code, and now I got half revolution with 200 steps, and full with 400.
The driver is on full steps mode according with data-sheet.