The coils have been identified as black and green are one coil, the second coil is red and blue. Now comes the question as to how to wire. I have chosen A to be black and B to be green now how to properly determine C ? will it be red or will it be blue. As red and blue are the second coil pair but what side of that coil should be C and what is D.
Hook it up black, green, red, blue, if it runs backward, switch either black with green or red with blue.
Usually the windings are designated A1 and A2, and B1 and B2.
The polarity of the wires if all you have is measurements to identify the coils is up to you.
The final arrangement will be found when you connect it to a driver, either it will turn or jitter.
Jittering will not damage anything and is the fool proof way of getting it right.
The Pololu A4988 and DRV8833 web pages have good wiring diagrams.