how would I go about displaying a bitmap from an SD card
I can add a .c tab to display a bitmap by using
tab name is lightOn.c
extern unsigned short lightOn[1150];
and somewhere in call the picture up to the screen by using
myGLCD.drawBitmap (290, 5, 25, 46, lightOn, i, 32, 32);
and a little picture I have drawn of a light bulb in paint and converted to a bitmap will show in the top corner of my screen.
but to save program space I wanted to call it up from an SD card instead of having loads of tabs for each bit map.
I'm using a qvt 320_240 tft which runs great with the UTFT library just haven't sussed the SD card out.
lightOn.c (11.1 KB)
lightOff.c (11.1 KB)