I have some questions regarding the coding of ADXL345 Accelerator. I found a tutorial in youtube and found the main site howtomechatronics.com
Sketch with comments.
#include <Wire.h>
//--- Accelerometer Register Addresses
#define Power_Register 0x2D
#define X_Axis_Register_DATAX0 0x32 // Hexadecima address for the DATAX0 internal register.
#define X_Axis_Register_DATAX1 0x33 // Hexadecima address for the DATAX1 internal register.
#define Y_Axis_Register_DATAY0 0x34
#define Y_Axis_Register_DATAY1 0x35
#define Z_Axis_Register_DATAZ0 0x36
#define Z_Axis_Register_DATAZ1 0x37
int ADXAddress = 0x53; //Device address in which is also included the 8th bit for selecting the mode, read in this case.
int X0,X1,X_out;
int Y0,Y1,Y_out;
int Z1,Z0,Z_out;
float Xa,Ya,Za;
void setup() {
Wire.begin(); // Initiate the Wire library
Wire.write(Power_Register); // Power_CTL Register
// Enable measurement
Wire.write(8); // Bit D3 High for measuring enable (0000 1000)
void loop() {
// X-axis
Wire.beginTransmission(ADXAddress); // Begin transmission to the Sensor
//Ask the particular registers for data
Wire.endTransmission(); // Ends the transmission and transmits the data from the two registers
Wire.requestFrom(ADXAddress,2); // Request the transmitted two bytes from the two registers
if(Wire.available()<=2) { //
X0 = Wire.read(); // Reads the data from the register
X1 = Wire.read();
/* Converting the raw data of the X-Axis into X-Axis Acceleration
- The output data is Two's complement
- X0 as the least significant byte
- X1 as the most significant byte */
X_out =X0+X1;
Xa=X_out/256.0; // Xa = output value from -1 to +1, Gravity acceleration acting on the
Please explain why he used X1=X1<<8. Why bitshift to left and why 8? From my understanding of bitshift it will make the register all 0 (essentially clearing the msb).
if the register is 00000000 due to left bitshift why add it to X1? (X_out=X0+X1)
I asked the author about this but no reply. I studied the concepts of bitshift and twos complement but I failed to understand how they work in registers. I also studied the datasheet but no answer from there.
Please help. Its been a week and I still dont have a clue.