Hi, I’m trying to design a 3-phase driver for brushless dc motors. I have no formal training in electronics, and I would like to have some experienced eyes to check my schematic for faults leading to malfunctions or a destroyed Arduino Due.
The motor I would like to experiment with is a car alternator with the diodes removed. I already have the motor running on a sensorless ESC, but i would like to experiment with sensored control, PID control, varying rotor supply etc. That’s why I’m trying to design my own controller instead of going for a commercial product. I’m planning to run the “motor” at up to 48V and 100A.
The controller is designed as a shield for Arduino Due. The 3 half bridges will be on a separate module along with a current sensor.
The three IR2183’s is for driving the half bridges. The IR4427 is for driving a mosfet for rotor-supply, and an extra mosfet for miscellaneous. The LM311 is for triggering an interrupt in case of overcurrent.
My concerns at the moment is:
Can i share the output from a single current sensor between the LM311 and an analog input?
Have I done enough for protection against a potential noisy environment, due to the high power being switched?
I have a hard time understanding the bootstrap circuit. Do i need to pulse the LO side drivers prior to motor start, or do i need extra circuitry, or am I ok?
Thank You, Peter
IR2183: http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/ir2183.pdf
IR4427: http://www.irf.com/product-info/datasheets/data/ir4426.pdf
LM311: http://www.ti.com/lit/ds/symlink/lm211.pdf
Current sensor: http://www.allegromicro.com/~/media/Files/Datasheets/ACS758-Datasheet.ashx
Hall Sensors: Error - Melexis