blink without delay?

hi i am wondering how can i get this sketch to work with the blink without delay sketch.

i have two lights and two pir sencers,i want one pir to turn on a led when it scenes motion,
and when the other one sees motion i want it to turn the other led on,my problem is that i want
the leds to stay on for a minute each time one is turned on.but when one led is delayed the other
dont turn on if there is motion.
i cant figure out how to integrate the code.

here is my sketch???? :fearful:

int light1  = 1;
int light2  = 2;
int motion_sencer1 = 3;
int motion_sencer2 = 4;

void setup()
  pinMode (light1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (light2, OUTPUT);
  pinMode (motion_sencer1,INPUT);
  pinMode (motion_sencer1,INPUT);

void loop()
  if (digitalRead (motion_sencer1)== HIGH)
    if (digitalRead (motion_sencer2 )== HIGH)

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Psuedo code for 1:

if motion detected
  turn on light
  set lastTimeMotionWasDetected to now

if it has been 1 minute since lastTimeMotionWasDetected
  turn light off