I posted this on the BlinkM forum but it's a bit of a ghost town over there so I figured I'd post it here too to be safe.
I'm trying to get my BlinkM MaxM to work as a standalone device (both in terms of power and in terms of RGB control). I would like to use the analog in controls (physically on the MaxM) to set RGB.
Reading through the manual (page26 of http://thingm.com/fileadmin/thingm/downloads/BlinkM_datasheet.pdf) I know that I need to use the following script on the MaxM:
{1, {‘k’,0xff, 0xff, 0xff}}
But the 'k' section of the manual goes on to say that this only happens once, and that a 'j' command will be needed to repeat it.
The 'j' section of the manual (page 27) is more confusing particularly since the jump argument specifics lines to JUMP. I only have one line of 'real' code, so there's nothing to JUMP. I just want to read it again.
Does anyone know what the script would be to get the analog ins to correspond to RGB values on an infinite loop?