Hi, I'm in the planning stages of prototyping a device I wish to make with an Arduino (first timer)
I have been reading the BlinkM datasheet - & although its very detailed in many aspects I can't for the life of me work out if this is possible:
I plan to program a few BlinkM to have a preset standalone script to run (it will just be a very fast random colour fade) - very fast just on/off for no longer than 1 second. Standalone seems to be able to take this just fine.
However, can I use the digital or PWM pins on an Arduino Duemilanove - to trigger the programs (ie on/off - or just on, as this is the only important one) - or do I have to use the analogue ones. As the BlinkM data sheet - barely seems to go into great detail in this. It seems to list only PURE standalone (i.e. no arduino attatched at all) - or using the Analogue imputs to vary programs etc (which I only plan to do once - when first setting up the blinkMs)
Only the current plan is to use the 6 analogue inputs for 6 piezo triggers. And then use 6 of the digital pins to fire a corresponding BlinkM. I.e - BlinkM no: 1 would fire a brief random colour fade when piezo 1 is triggered. BlinkM 2 whenever trigger 2 etc - you get the point. So that the BlinkMs would be pre-programmed with what they need to do, and the arduino only needs to tell them when to do it. Or will I have to use the i2c style two Analogue pins - like you do when setting it up
Only I would like, for this my first experiment with an arduino, to keep things simple, without the need for shift out etc registers.
If shift out registers etc are needed, then I will prob ditch the BlinkM aspect and go the cheaper, but more difficult route of coding registers for my own RGB LEDs. But, for the first test of this thing, and to make it achievable quicker, I would like to just use BlinkM if you guys can tell me if the above use of digital pins will work.
So yeah if you guys could help me out with some advice on this, before I make a mistake and commit to coughing up $$$ for no real reason,
Cheers guys, from Geelong, Australia