blower control based on temperature

I am a newbie planning to use one of these controllers to sense the temperature of the air coming out of my wood stove insert and adjust fan speed accordingly. I have already created a potentiometer speed control as shown in the linked document.
Can someone help me I assume I will be using the PWM input but I'm not really an electronics guy, looks like it just switches on and off the ground side to simulate a voltage to the Yellow wire but it looks to be only attached to the ground side? I think I have to limit the yellow wire to 10 volts max to avoid damage?

  1. choose the best Arduino product
  2. Identify a reasonably priced temperature sensor that will work with the Arduino chosen
  3. provide a bit of sample code from a similar application.
  4. it might be cool to have some different colored LEDs on one that would change color based on speed, want not need.
    I plan to have a switch to choose between the automatic and the manual potentiometer control already in place when I want to specify sub roasting room temperatures.

EBM-Papst-K3G097-AK34-43-datasheet.pdf (208 KB)

I'm struggling to make sense of that data sheet but from what I can make out it expects a 0-10V signal to set the speed and it shows different control schemes where the signal consists of a steady analog value in the 0-10V range, or a 10V pwm signal with the speed controlled by the duty cycle, or a constant 10V signal to drive it flat out.

The Arduino can only generate up to 5V directly which means it would only be possible to get up to about half speed with the Arduino connected directly to the fan. You can amplify that to 10V by using an external transistor (switched by the Arduino) to control a higher voltage supply from somewhere else. It looks as if the fan might provide a 26V DC output and if so you could drop that down to 10V using a resistor pair as a simple voltage divider.

You don't say what temperature range you want to support, but if it's room temperature then a DS18B20 digital temperature sensor would be an easy, cheap and accurate solution. Reading the temperature and calculating the corresponding PWM value would seem simple enough, although you may decide you want a more sophisticated control algorithm than a simple proportional feedback control in which case it would get a little more complex. Lighting LEDs to show the temperature or fan speed would be very easy. It would be very easy to use a switch to let you select between the Arduino control and the manual potentiometer control inputs.

Top left corner of the data sheet shows PWM I assume Pulse With Modulation, I think this means turning on and off the voltage fast enough to simulate a lower voltage, looks like 10 to 50 KHZ. I think one of the boards board should be capable of this. I think the schematic is showing several alternate ways that the motor can be controlled. I am sure the potentiometer section works as I have already made that circuit and it works as advertized.
The temperature I want to sense is the air coming out of the vent of the wood stove, temp range probably 80° F to 400° F I am guessing at the high number might not be more than 300° F
I am going to fabricate a voltage divider to drive the board off the 24 volt supply and obviously I could just set up a few different dividers and step the speed by turning on different voltages but it would not be cool like a continuously variable automatic adjustment.

I bought a kit with a manual Ardunio ultimate kit it has a temp sensor plus all the stuff I should need to accomplish the circuits I need to complete my project. While no answer alone gave me enough info between what was posted here and in the electronics section got me started. Hopefully the manual that comes with the kit will keep me from asking a bunch of stupid programming questions later. Probably not