I'm working on a project involving multiple Arduino Nanos and Bluetooth audio. I originally was mistakenly under the impression that the HC-05 module would be capable of receiving audio however have now realised my mistake there. I did some more research and found loads of BT Audio Receiver modules that provide Speaker L ±, Speaker R ±.
My project requires re-transmission of the signal input from the BT Audio Receiver over a digital medium, so I was hoping that someone might be able to point me in the direction of a BT Audio Receiver module that offers digital output (as opposed to analog). Otherwise the only method I can think of is sampling the analog outputs with an ADC, which seems like an unnecessary step...
I may also be trying to do something completely impossible and welcome constructive feedback!
so I was hoping that someone might be able to point me in the direction of a BT Audio Receiver module that offers digital output (as opposed to analog).
ALL of them output digital data. The key is just how long the pin is HIGH, not how high the pin is.
The Arduino is nowhere near fast enough to do digital signal processing.
So they output PWM? Surely the Speaker L ±, Speaker R ± outputs would be analog voltages?
I don't need to do anything other than take the data and immediately re-transmit it over a NRF24 module, and at the other end take the data and clock it into a shift register. Is the arduino too slow even for this?
No. PWM turns the pin on and off at regular intervals. The interval between highs and lows in an audio signal is NOT regular.
Is the arduino too slow even for this?
Yes. But, even if it weren't, converting the data to a format that you can send by a really slow radio, and receiving it, and converting it back is going to cause a HUGE lag. So much so that no processor, no matter how fast, is going to be able to overcome.