I got a sensor that gets its x value and y value i am using HC 05 bluetooth modules master and slave paired i want to know the code of sending the x value and y value togther to the slave module
Write the code and post it here. People will help you with it.
On my side I WANT a new coffee machine. Still I don’t come around bragging about it. I make plans on my constraints, explore various models and do some research on the internet to see if some people have posted previous experiences and I study what they say. Then if I have a smart question I would politely ask the community for guidance and certainly not ask them to pay for it.
Its my first time here so stay cool i am asking for help nothing more
We are cool - a bit of humor
Write some code and show us your attempts and forum will help. Basically with what you tell us the code is
void loop()
Assuming your BT is SPP and paired, attached to Serial
Write the code and post it here. People will help you with it.
i dont have the code right now but all i want know how to send 2 variable through the bluetooth HC05 the code so any help plz
I am working with the team and the code is not with me.
We are cool - a bit of humorWrite some code and show us your attempts and forum will help. Basically with what you tell us the code is
void loop()
Can u please tell me which to write in the master who send and which in the slave which recieves and tell me what each line does and thnx for the help in serial write in the brackets i write the xvalue and the yvalue right?
can you tell me... what each line does
No I can’t... at that level you need to go start from the beginning and read about arduino programming...or google HC05...
I have the code written in 1 arduino without usage of the bluetooth so can i put it here and u make it for me 1 transmitting the throght the bluetooth and 1 recieving?
I have the code written in 1 arduino without usage of the bluetooth
Now you are getting somewhere - and, if it works, probably have all you need. There is no special code for bluetooth. Arduino just talks to the serial port, and doesn't know or care what is connected to it.
I have the code written in 1 arduino without usage of the bluetooth so can i put it here and u make it for me 1 transmitting the throght the bluetooth and 1 recieving?
Here we don’t make code for other. We help with programming question. There are so many lazy students who come here in the hope someone will do their homework so that they can get a good grade whilst doing nothing... we have no desire to encourage that behavior.
If you want to learn - this is the right place, show you are reading tutorials, doing efforts to understand the language (learn C and the basics of objects so that you can use libraries), learn a minimum about electronics (LED, buttons, current, voltage, resistors, capacitors, ...) and submit how you wire things and your code and you’ll get help.
If you want someone to do that for you, there is the Gigs and Collaboration forum where you can post a request for help - be ready to pay.