I want my project to be able to receive Bluetooth signals from the upcoming XWave Sport headset (I prefer its appearance to the current Neurosky headset, and also think it's less likely to fall off during normal activities; headsets seem to have a habit of sitting too loose on me, and I don't want to drop a $100 device on the ground). Sending signals to other devices is unnecessary, as the Arduino will be wired to its outputs. Would it be better to purchase the BT Arduino or go for a regular Arduino and attach a BT dongle via USB? Range is not an issue as the BT device and Arduino will be used within 3-5' (1-2m) of each other. Which is cheaper, and which is easier for a total novice to set up?
Which is cheaper, and which is easier for a total novice to set up?
Total novice and bluetooth do not belong in the same sentence. Or even the same paragraph.
Total novice and bluetooth do not belong in the same sentence. Or even the same paragraph.
And why is that? I presume it is to do with the programming, but what part? Device pairing? Noise handling? Error exceptions?
I had assumed that using BT would be easier, since the XWave comes with BT functionality and it means no digging around looking for which wire to pull out and splice (which would also tie the headset to this project alone, and also likely void the warranty, which I'm not interested in doing - for the price, I'd like to be able to reuse the headset for other things).
And why is that? I presume it is to do with the programming, but what part? Device pairing? Noise handling? Error exceptions?
Device pairing and timing, mostly.
Also, one the devices are paired, you then need to read the data from the headset. Do you know what format that data is in? What do you intend to have the Arduino do with the data, if you are able to get it?
Also, one the devices are paired, you then need to read the data from the headset. Do you know what format that data is in? What do you intend to have the Arduino do with the data, if you are able to get it?
The data is supplied in asynchronous serial stream packets, according to chipset documentation. There is already an Arduino sketch available online for acquiring and parsing packets.
Once acquired, the Arduino will move a team of servos in response to the values output by the headset. I've created a full post over on the collaboration board detailing the entire plan (I never fully expected to complete it on my own, as I'm no programmer; I just wanted advice as to which would be easiest to get running here).
A usb bluetooth dongle will require a usb host shield and a 'driver' sketch to communicate with it. A bluetooth breakout board (like these Bluetooth - SparkFun Electronics) or shield (like http://iteadstudio.com/store/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=307), that connect to the Arduino via serial will be much easier to use.
I use Bluesmirfs as much as I can, very easy to use [and yes, the price shows it].
I get 450 feet of range with the Smirf RP-SMA from Sparkfun, an Amped high-gain panel antenna, and a basic android phone. Yes I know that's about 100x more than you're looking at, but it shows the potential. Get into xBee and you're talking MILES. (hint hint, I have an FCC license)