OK, quick explanation, my goal is to contol my lawn mower from inside using a usb gamepad on my computer.
I have a dual motor controller that can be hooked up to the arduino with no problem.
I have an arduino uno already and I am looking for a bluetooth shield(would like suggestions for a class 1 bluetooth shield)
I have already selected a high voltage relay to turn on and off the blade motor (when i hold down a button and it will cuts off once i let go of the button)
What I am looking for help with is questions with programming, I can already program the arduino to move the motors and motor controllers by pretending its 2 servos.
My issue is...
How to I make a user interface that will allow me to plug a game pad into my PC and control the arduino via bluetooth
I know I would map my analog controls x and y axis with numbers from 0-255 to reflect with the servos but how do I send that to the arduino??
any examples would be great
any if anyone has already made program that would be awesome to get the source code.
I plan to have 4 webcams connected via a Raspberry Pi and I already have that setup and will have the streaming videos linked to this program.