Bluetooth module configuring question

Hy there mates!
I am newbie, and just willing to buy an arduino mega 2560, bcoz i want to build a weather station which transmits data to an android phone, and i have some questions with setting up the bluetooth module(Rayson BTM-222).

So, the module needs to be configured with AT commands, and as i read somewhere, it can't be done via its own BT link.

So can i use the arduino for configuring the bt module?

I mean that connect arduino on usb to the pc while it is on(it uses tx,rx pins 0,1 for communication with the pc), and also connect the bt module to the tx,rx pins 0,1; or the arduino's spi pins. Does it work, and can i configure the module that way?

Or connect the pc on mega's serial port 1, and then redirect the port1's messages to the port 2, on which the bt module is.

So i want to know how to configure a bt module trough arduino

Sorry for my questions, and bad english, but i don't have any pieces bought yet, and i wrote this post according to what i read on the internet.

So can i use the arduino for configuring the bt module?

Yes, you can, but you have to use a level converter (can be a very simple one) because the module is running on 3V3 and not 5V as the Arduino.

I mean that connect arduino on usb to the pc while it is on(it uses tx,rx pins 0,1 for communication with the pc), and also connect the bt module to the tx,rx pins 0,1; or the arduino's spi pins. Does it work, and can i configure the module that way?

No, because when you connect the Arduino over USB the USART on pin 0 and 1 is used for that communication.

Or connect the pc on mega's serial port 1, and then redirect the port1's messages to the port 2, on which the bt module is.

This is possible and the recommended solution given your parameters. Easier than using Serial1 is using just Serial (the USB connection) for the PC link and connecting Serial1 (pin 18 and 19) to your BT module. Take care that the Arduino's TX pin will have 5V which could fry the module. Using a simple voltage divider may on that pin may be enough though.

Thanks for the help.
I continue asking silly questions in general guidance forum :smiley: