Bluetooth Module HC-05 doesn't responde on AT Mode

Hello fellows,

I plug the HC-05 module on Arduino Due, press the little button, start everything pluggin that on USB and the blinking pattern indicates that it is on AT Mode (Blinking at 1Hz rate). I then send Serial Monitor commands but I get no response!

It is not burned since it responds with the blinking pattern. I can see the HC-05 with my smartphone, I can connect to it using the default PIN "1234" and it changes the blinking pattern again. So I think it is working.

What am I doing wrong??

I've tried 1.8.2, 1.6.5, 1.5.2 ...

Serial1 on due is 18,19 pins.

HC-05 - Arduino Due
VCC - 5V
RX - 19
TX - 18

String command = ""; 

void setup() {
  Serial.println("Vai que é tua: ");

void loop() {
  if (Serial.available()) {
    while (Serial.available()) {
      command += (char);
 command = "";
  if (Serial1.available()) {
    while (Serial1.available()) {
      command += (char);

I have found some guys with the same issue and they solved the problem using the IDE version 1.0.5-r2. But guess what, they were using the UNO. The DUE doesn't exist on that IDE. A guy said the commands typed on Serial Monitor were reaching the HC-05, but the response was not reaching the Serial Monitor.

Someone have a guess with those new infos?

Thanks in advance.

Cross post.
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