I am new to Arduino and have a project involving Arduino Mega 2560. I am using the bluetooth module HC-05 to send serial commands from an Android device to the Arduino. The working is as expected when the Arduino is powered via USB through a laptop. However, on connecting a 9V battery to the Arduino, the bluetooth module does not even light up. The battery model is Hi Watt 6F22. All other components connected to Arduino work with the battery, except the bluetooth.
The connections are:
Bluetooth - Arduino
- VCC - 3.3V
- TX - RX
- RX - TX through a voltage divider. (To turn 5V to 3.3 V)
The other components are signal pins of 7 ultrasonic sensors, 5 servo motors and 4 12V DC motors. All the motors receive their power supply from outside the board. The sensors are powered through the 5 V pin.
Searching online, the current rating of the battery should be sufficient to power the module. Am I missing something?
Thank you for any help.