I bought a hc 05 module and i tried putting it into at mode but there is no reply upon sending AT\r\n to the serial monitor...
HOw may i resolve this problem?
The bluetooth module's led flashes in 2 s but i dont get the reply as OK.
I used this tutorial :http://www.instructables.com/id/Modify-The-HC-05-Bluetooth-Module-Defaults-Using-A/?ALLSTEPS
Is your USB cable still connected?
Yes, after uploading the sketch on the arduino , my usb cable is plugged in .
Unplug it
How can i send serial commands to the arduino if i unplug the cable?
I understood your intention is to send serial commands to the arduino via bluetooth. Trying to use bluetooth on rx/tx Uno pins 0,1 with the USB cable in use is a common mistake, but I now see that that the HC-05 is connected using software serial, so ignore what I said.