bluetooth text message notifier fo hard of hearing

my mother in law is hard of hearing and uses text messaging alot however she sometimes misses the texts as she can not hear the sms notification on the phone and the phone is not close enough to hear the vibration.
i am hoping to make a sort of flashing light device that will flash when a text message is recieved (this is for use in the home so would not need to be portable) i was hoping to use an arduino and bluetooth shield to accomplish this. however i am unsure how once i have paired the phone and arduino if the arduino will be able to realise the phone has recieved a message. The optimistic part of me says this is possible but the realistic part of me says that this will have more to do with the phone software limitations not broadcasting that a message has been recieved. i am pretty sure i could write and android listener service to do this but i was hoping to be able to do this on not smart phones i.e. nokia symbian phones without programing the phone.

could anyone know if this is possible to do and if so am i going to have to write a server type software for the phone (i.e. android listener) and have the arduino as client or is it possible to check for recieved messages on anyphone using the bluetooth shield.

If she has an Android or iPhone, then there is a setting under accessibility, to have a notifier for those who can't hear the phone. It can vibrate and even use the flash to alert you when you have a call, text and voicemail.

No Arduino required.

its a nokia series 60 phone i think to be honest it was more when the phone was not on her person i.e. in a bag or on the floor on the side of the sofa we have a device that flashes when the house phone rings and i mean it could illuminate a room and it lives on the tv stand and is unmissable i was hoping to replicate this for the mobile over bluetooth

Was all that one sentence?
Anyways, it would be far easier and hassle free, just to upgrade her phone. I understand what you want to do, but the idea was already implemented in newer phones, just for that reason.

The only way I can see this working, would be to find a way to intercept the call and set an alert that way. I going to guess that the home phone can do it, because it is plug into a device that can see if a call is coming in.