This may give you a few coding ideas
ESP32 Bluetooth Bridge (Replaces HC-05)
Do you have a project where you'd like it to be possible for you to connect to (and potentially reprogram) another microcontroller over Bluetooth, but also want to have the flexibility to add new Bluetooth, BLE, or WIFI features? I previously used the HC-05 bluetooth module for providing Bluetooth tty access for interactions and programming; the ESP32, though, is only slightly more expensive and provides many features that the HC-05 cannot offer -- including that it itself can be programmed over-the-air to add your own features and functionality very easily.
This repository contains a simple Bluetooth-to-UART bridge roughly mirroring how the HC-05 behaved, but adds a handful of new features:
The main() shows that their is a receipt of BT info and retransmission of the data, the code value, to me, is the receiving of BT and setup for retransmission.
As a note. An ESP32 can do either BLE or WiFi, not both. Ok so there are a few fudges out there that claim they work but coding skill levels become a thing. But anyways, I can easily see receiving BT on one ESP32 and sending the data by serial to another ESP32 which would then transmit the serial to WiFi.
When WiFi and BT are enabled those functions are handled by one of the ESP32's 2 cores; core0 does BT and WiFI. the message receipt, parsing, and retransmission will be done on the other core; core1.
Quite doable
I have 7 ESP32's at various locations in and outside of the house. The ESP32's send and receive data and information to a MQTT Broker. I run a MQTT Broker on a Raspberry Pi4.
I can control heat, cooling, humidity, house plant lighting, get weather info from an esp out in the yard, and a few other things from a phone or my website.
I mention this because from reading the original post, I am guessing you'll not stop with just getting your MPPT Controller data and you might want to consider scalability at an early stage of your project.