
Thanks for any help in advance. Not sure if this is the right location foir this posting. Anyone have any idea on how to get BlueTerm or any other Android bluetooth terminal to do a screen clear via a code sent from the Arduino. I have my UNO sending a update of data to my phone via bluetooth about every 10 seconds but it prints like this.

Feet 1
Feet 2
Feet 3
Feet 4
I want it to print on the top left line so all you will ever see is the word Feet x not 60 rows of it down the screen.
I wrote the makers of blueterm and they never reply been a few weeks and multi letters. I know how to write the code on the UNO just not sure what I need to send to the bluetooth terinal. Tried blueToothSerial.clear no luck. Even if there was a way to do it like on the LCD lcd.begin(16, 1)


Most terminal emulators these days implement some flavor of "ANSI/VT100 compatibility", which means that a clear should be
as an Arduino string, that might be "\033[H\033[J" (033 being the octal code for the escape character.)

You my friend are a genius. The idea you had is perfect thank you so much.

The program I made sences the wheel rotation of my wheelchair and tells me how far i wheeled it also tells me current temp, it use to display on a 2/16 LCD but that was a first design for me since then I got a few of the bluetooth units and wanted the output on a cell instead of a lcd in a box. This works great.